Thursday, February 28, 2013

Patch Details

Gauge: My stitch count within a 2-inch stockinette square is: 10 stitches across, 13 stitches down.

Each completed patch should end up being 25 stitches wide, and 36 stitches long. Most patches will be made with the stockinette stitch. The design area is 19 stitches wide, and 28 stitches tall.
A solid color patch takes me almost 2 hours, but I'm a new knitter, so I hope to improve as the days pass!

The stockinette stitch alone curls horribly, so my patches will have garter stitches around the edges to help flatten the finished product.

When traveling, I'm going to keep working on the scarf. But I'm only going to take the yarn I need, and will join the new work to the scarf's main body when I get back home.

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